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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Kellogg's Unopened Packs Question

Where are these things?

I am having very little luck completing my unopened pack sets from 1972 and 1973.  The 1972s are  a challenge because I now need five Hall of Famers and Pete Rose.  That might take a while on my budget.  I am hoping that the 1973s will be a bit easier to get going since I need more cards.

If anyone finds unopened packs, which years do you see least/most?  I don't see 1975s much and I rarely see 1971s since they are the expensive ones.  


  1. The only set I'm currently building in sealed pack format is the 1979 set. I think I need a handful (maybe 3 or 4), but I honestly never really check eBay for them. It's not even on my active wantlist... although maybe I should dig up that set and see which ones I need.

  2. You are doing better than me on that one. Let me know who you need since I might be able to help. You are a lot closer to that set that I am. I mostly look for lots instead of single-cards. That means I usually get few Hall of Famers.

  3. I have an unopened 1973 Kellogg's Stargell

    1. I am finally back. I'd be interested in that card.
