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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

I Haven't Given Up on the 1971 Kellogg's Cards Because I am Chasing Damaged Ones

 Everyone always wants perfect, colorful versions of the 1971 Kellogg's baseball cards.  I just don't see many that match that description.  I am trying to find a handful of damaged cards to complete sets.  I am trying to get a master set, but I am focused first on getting these cards in any condition.  

If you have any of these I'd love to trade.  


  1. I might have 1 or 2 to spare. I'd be willing to trade for more recent Kelloggs: stuff from the '74 or '75 set. I'll look when I get a chance.

  2. I have a Stargell in excellent shape that I'm willing to trade. I'm at
