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Friday, June 23, 2023

Unopened Kellogg's One Card Packs - Are 1971s the Best Ones?

 I just picked up a 1971 Kellogg's baseball card in its original wrapper.  A nice Tony Perez.  I haven't made a list of which ones I need to complete the set yet because I probably only have 12 of these cards.

Sorry, I didn't scan the Perez yet.  Here is a 1971 Football card in its original wrapper.

I've seen the 1971s for sale frequently, but they are usually out of my price range.  A quick check of ebay shows that there are more than a few dozen of the 1971s available now.  That is not the case with every year.

I don't see any 1975s available in the one-card pack.  I have probably only seen them listed a few times.  In fact I still own only one 1975 in the wrapper and I can't even remember who it is.

Does anyone ever see 1975s in the original packs?  More about factory sets from these two years next time.  


  1. I think the only vintage Kellogg's cards I own that are still in original packs are 1979. It'd be cool to pick up more from other years... but I'm guessing they are out of my price range.

    1. 1979s and 1980s are difficult to find in the original wrapper because the wrapper is in two pieces that seem to separate easily. I don't know what they changed, but it didn't work as well.
