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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Does Anyone Collect These Kellogg's Boxes?

I have a few of these boxes, but I prefer my cards in the box and in a wrapper.  Do you collect these?  How many are there?

Track season is on this week - two indoor meets.  For those of you who live in warm winter weather, I don't.  We run on indoor tracks through the end of March because our outdoor track is covered with snow. 

Most of the cards shown on the box depict great weather.  I'm already ready for that.

...and it's Valentine's Day.


  1. Didn't know about them. If they have baseball I would

  2. Never seen these before, but I'd probably pick one up if I found it cheap sitting at a card show or flea market. Both Sanders and Walsh would make nice additions to my Stanford PC.

  3. I haven't even tried to get a checklist of these cards. I think I have two boxes but they might be the same players.
