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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

1979 Kellogg's Card Variations and Hart to Hart

I found another early print run from 1979 Kellogg's this week.  The problem that I am having is that many of these are cracked.  If you've got some of these with the ® symbol in Tony's scarf I'd love to get them for my set.

Why am I trying to get all of the variations?  I really don't need to but it gives me something to do that won't cause me to go broke.

The episode of Hart to Hart about a stolen baseball card collection is airing right now.  I've never seen it or watched that show but I've always wanted to check this one out due to the baseball card link.


  1. I’ve met the guys who run vintage breaks. They are pretty good guys. They come up to one of the bigger shows I attend

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It sure is a great business model. I don't know if they were first to do it, but they sure have a good thing going.
