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Monday, May 20, 2019

Still Busy, But I Found Something New

A while back I found out that the Canadian version of the Kellogg's All-Star set from 1992 was a Frosted Flakes promotion and the USA version was sponsored by Corn Flakes - 1992 Kellogg's USA vs. Canada.   I was surprised that the front of the card displayed the two different cereals.

Recently I thought about the display that could be purchased to hold the entire set of 10 cards.  I wondered if it came in two different versions - Corn Flakes (USA) and Frosted Flakes (Canada).  Sure enough I found one from Canada on ebay.  Check out the picture below.

In the 1992 Olympics the USA had 90 more medals than Canada earned, but as a typical kid in the Midwestern USA I would have gone for the Frosted Flakes over Corn Flakes every time.  They were called Sugar Frosted Flakes back in the day.  

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