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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

1991 Kellogg's Baseball Cards - Hispanic Legends or Leyendas Hispanas?

I didn't realize that there was an English version of these cards.  Then I looked at this poster/sheet that I have.  I don't know anything about its history of this sheet.  If you have any information please let me know.  I bought it because it looks great.

It turns out that this sheet has both the English and Spanish language versions of these sets.

Notice that these are both on the same sheet - English and Spanish sets.

The sheet has three sets.  Only one is in English.  Does that mean that there are twice as many sets in spanish?  I rarely see the English versions of this set for sale.

Why didn't they do 11 players so that they could fill the entire sheet?  In a future post I will decide who would have been the best players to include in this set.  

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