#30 - Gary Nolan
Gary Nolan finished 0.01 behind Steve Carlton in the ERA battle. Injuries are the first thing mentioned in the bio. The Reds haven't hit well when he's pitched.
#29 - Phil Niekro
Kellogg's was confident enough in the bio to talk about Niekro attaining his 100th win. He entered the season with 97 career wins.
He played on the same high school team as one of my favorite NBA players, John Havlicek.
Not on the card - Havlicek was born a year earlier than Niekro.
#28 - Fergie Jenkins
Jenkins had his sixth consecutive 20-win seasons. He gave up 32 homers, the most in MLB.
Blanda photo is the same as 68 Topps. Why is he holding the ball that way? I have about 50 70 BB and several FB. Look forward to more posts.