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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Another Canadian Kellogg's Item -- 1992 All-Stars

 I stumbled onto the 1992 Canadian version of these Kellogg's cards before finding their USA counterparts.  Since then, I've seen the USA version of the set more than any other Kellogg's cards of any kind.  

The USA version was included in Corn Flakes boxes and it states that on the cards and the display.  The Canadian version was tossed into Froster Flakes boxes and the display shown above reflects that.  

I would still never choose to buy Corn Flakes over Frosted Flakes unless the prize was really good in the Corn Flakes box.


  1. Haven't had either in over a decade... but I'd go with Frosted Flakes over Corn Flakes too.
