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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Did Canadians Get a Better Deal?

From 1970 to 1983 if Kellogg's put a card in a cereal box it was always one card by itself.  For some of the newer stuff I'm not so sure.  After getting today's cards I'm not so sure.  

In this 1991 set, Kellogg's cereal lovers in Canada received two cards in these packs.  Notice that the Sakic is the back of the seal and the Olczyk is on the front.  

Why do they get two cards when I only got one with each box of Sugar Frosted Flakes (If you are younger, I think you only know them as Frosted Flakes)?  Is the exchange rate two hockey cards = 1 baseball card.  

NAFTA didn't come into play until 1994 - does that matter?  Just kidding, please don't reply with a summary of NAFTA and why it does or doesn't apply to this situation unless you can relate it to Kellogg's cereal.  If you haven't heard of NAFTA maybe it's time to start have a sugarless cereal and do some reading.

What do these two cards have in common?

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