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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Stories Always Get Me In Trouble

I was telling my track team some stories from childhood last week.  I let them know that at some brainless point in my youth I actually ate a penny on more than one occasion.   I don't think that I will stop hearing about that one.

Questions came from a few of the runners.  What about a nickel or even a dime, which is smaller than the penny.  I had an easy response to those questions.  There is no way that I would eat a dime since that dime could buy me a pack of baseball cards. 

Today I went to a card show that I attend often before going for a run.  I found a bunch of Kellogg's cards in a 0.25 box and then a bunch in a 0.10 box.  Check out this one from the cheaper box.

It's not a beauty, but it matches quite well with all of my 1975s that are in poor condition.  I also picked up a handful of 1975 commons that were in nice condition.  That never happens for me. 

That will keep me going back every other month or so. 


  1. Never swallowed a penny... but I've swallowed my gum a few times. Sweet Ryan!

  2. I had one penny and half of a Dollar
