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Thursday, July 5, 2018

1991 Kellogg's Leyendas Card Backs - Part 9

Back for our ninth card from the 1991 Kellogg's Leyendas set - Rod Carew. 

With a quick glance that looks like an Orioles uniform above.  

His birth location is mentioned in Spanish as Panama but in English it just calls it Canal Zone. mentions the country as Panama which is what I expected.

I didn't realize that he hit .300 or better for 15 consecutive seasons.  He stole home seven times in one season and he was MVP and Rookie of the Year during his career.

Not on the card - he hit under .300 during his first two seasons and his last two seasons.  He won seven batting titles.  He stole 353 bases in his career with his highest total of 49 in 1976.

He only played in more than 150 games in four seasons.  That kept his career total hits counts down a bit - still 3,053 of them. 

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