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Friday, July 13, 2018

PSA Grading of Stop-N-Go Football Cards

I never saw these cards anywhere before ebay since they were produced in a different part of the country from where I've lived.

There are two sets - 1979 and 1980.

The 1979 set had 18 cards including Walter Payton and Roger Staubach.  PSA has only graded 865 cards from this set and there have been only 98 graded as 10s.  Payton (147) and Staubach(107) lead the way in the number of submissions.  Franco has is next with 74 submissions.

Of the 10s, on six for Payton, 25 for Staubach and 12 for Harris.  None of the others are in double digits.  None of the 64 graded Gregg Bingham's are 10s; he is card #1.  One Robert Newhouse is a 10 and a few others have only two 10s including Lyle Alzado and Jack Ham.

The 1980 set was expanded to 48 cards but only 1,157 cards have been graded by PSA with 316 being 10s.  Cards graded most frequently are - Franco Harris (52), Mel Blount (50), Joe Greene, spelled Green on the front (48), Bob Griese (44), Jack Ham (44), and Henry Childs (41). 

How does Childs fit in with the group above?  Somehow Childs has 20 cards graded as 10s.  Only one Herb Scott and one Jay Saldi got grades of 10.

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