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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Do You Still Love Your Less Than Perfect Kellogg's Cards?

If you looked closely yesterday you would have noticed that I pictured some cards that were in less than perfect condition.  My binder with the damaged cards is easy to find, so I tend to use it for some photos.  I love looking at these cards because they are survivors.  

Some of my damaged cards come from my collection when we didn't have pages or Card Savers or 800-count boxes.  Some cards looked good but they cracked due to the way they were created and/or the temperature/humidity where the cards resided.  

This card has a lot going on.  Today I printed it larger so you can see all of what I see.

How do I love thee.  Let me count the ways.

1.  Sure there are some cracks due to how Kellogg's did their printing but I think lots of these ones were because the card was in someone's pocket for a few weeks.

2.  The discoloration can happen when the card is left out in the light.  This is more likely for this card since George Foster is card #1 in the set.  If the cards were sorted in order he'd be on top.  The discoloration is too severe for just that.  It looks like someone had some 5-Star Chili and used George for a napkin.  

3.  The edges of the card show all sorts of issues.  This card was certainly loved in 1977.

4.  The back of the card.  I can't look at it yet until I find better gloves to protect myself.  More on that later.

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