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Monday, January 13, 2020

Why Didn't We Do That?

I collected the Kellogg's cards as a kid.  Hardly anyone saved the cereal box, which is why they are valuable today.

The Lou Brock from the 1978 box above looks great.  Why didn't we cut the cards off the boxes?  Some of them were even actual size.  Not only that, there were plenty of the game's biggest stars as well as my favorite players. 

When looking at them together, a big difference can be noticed.  On the left above is the picture that was used.  The clouds look normal until the 3-D coating is applied as shown by the finished product on the right.  That makes me want to get these cards.  I see the actual-sized ones around but I don't see the small ones. 

What is everyone seeing out there?  Does anyone have a checklist of all of the possible cards that were shown somewhere on a box?  I am going to work on that.

Do any cards differ other than the 3-D coating?  That's another reason to get a checklist going.  Any help would be appreciated.


  1. Creating a checklist for all of the cards used on the boxes is going to be challenging, but I admire the passion. Maybe you'll cross paths with someone who worked at Kellogg's back in the day who can help you with that information.

  2. There are not that many box combos. Even if I don't have them all, I can start by finding boxes online. Some of the boxes online are just the back panel. There could be a card on the front of the box too. Late mail-in offers were on the side of the box but the card image is really small.

    Maybe I will get all of the cards someday and I will need a nice challenge.
