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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Another Step Toward the All-Time Greats Set or Not? - Kellogg's Unopened Cards

In my quest to pick up all of the Kellogg's cards that can be found in unopened packs, I picked up the following cards this week.  I was surprised that the cards came in clear plastic as compared to the normally cloudy type packs used in the other years.

So, I checked the back of these packs.  As the Gehrigs below show, the last line on the bottom of the card helps to determine whether it is a 1970 Rold Gold card or a 1972 Kellogg's card. 

It turns out that these unopened packs are from the 1970 Rold Gold card set.  I'll need to dig out some of my 1972 ATG unopened cards to see if the seal is different.

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