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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Different Conditions of Unopened Packs

I've finally got pictures, but it still isn't going well with my loaner MacBook. 

Here are some 1978 Kellogg's unopened packs. 

I've got some, like the Sutter below, that have cereal stains.  These stains are only on the front, but I've got some with the stain going all they way through to the back.

Is anyone concerned when the front of the card has wrinkles on the wrapper?

The Foster below looks great on both sides.  I hope the photos show that.  It is clean and not discolored.  

Below is a Foster with lots of discoloration and a few odd stains.  I have no problem with some discoloration, which I see on the edges of lots of these packs.

There are always a few ugly ones.  The Dent card below is totally discolored.  It doesn't look good at all.  This is how lots of the 1979 and 1980 packs look.  Whatever material was used didn't keep the color at all. 

To make matters worse, Dent's card is cut wrong.  I assume that this is a factory reject, but then why is it so discolored?


  1. The Discolored was caused by the preservative used in the cereal to keep it fresh and the paper Kelloggs used to sealed the card was a poor grade..

  2. I heard a rumor that a employee from Kelloggs sent the wrong batch of cards to be sealed and sent the rejects instead of the Good ones..

  3. If you look closely the Dent card maybe resealed as the Paper stock is from 1979 and not 1978...

  4. I have a few Dents and Schmidts that are definitely rejects. I love hearing any stories about how stuff like that happened. I will check the paper stock because there certainly is a big difference between 1978 and 1979.
