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Monday, February 21, 2022

This is What Happens When Procrastinating Work or Waiting for Mike Hargrove to Get Back in the Batter's Box

Warning - this is a boring story about a print mark on a card.  I am just curious to know if others have seen this mark in different places on Hargrove's card or on other cards.  

When looking for cracks in my 1976 Kellogg's cards, I noticed a mark on one of the Mike Hargrove cards.  I assumed at first that it was a normal bubble on the surface, but then I saw it on the next card. 

Look to the left of his autograph to see it.  It shows up in two locations as shown above.  I also have it on the red mark and on the blue border. 

Then I remembered that he had a variation.  Problem solved?  No, this mark appears on both variations.  

Above is the third one I saw.  Were they trying to cover up the red?   Whatever is above his shoulder is not part of the card - maybe it was my lunch?

There are always discussions about old Topps cards and print marks but I hadn't seen any marks like this on Kellogg's cards.  Rob, who I traded with and happened to e-mail today, showed a 1976 Gregg Gross and a print mark on the back.  Has another heard of other related issues with Kellogg's cards?


  1. Good eyes. By the way... your collection is fantastic. Can't imagine there are that many other collectors out there with six 1976 Mike Hargroves laying around.

  2. 1. That's not how my daughter perceives it. She keeps threatening to throw them all away.

    2. I wish they were Johnny Bench cards instead.

    3. Whenever I bought (not much now with the prices today) a mixed lot of cards it seemed to have a Hargrove. Must be like 1978 when I pulled 22 Mike Lum cards out of packs throughout the year.
