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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Would You Consider These to Be Cards?


I picked up the Steve Blass at a card show this weekend.  Not much else though.  I picked up the others from ebay recently.  These cards from the boxes come in different sizes, depending on the box layout and the size of the box.

Can I call them cards?  What do you think?  The Rozema is quite small, but it was on the box. 

I see lots of the 1970 Seavers on ebay that were cut from the cereal box.  Did any of you do this as kids?  I never even thought of something like that.

I am trying to collect complete boxes, but I never considered collecting the cards cut from the boxes.  Does anyone collect these?


  1. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't consider collecting card images cut from product packaging. That's a nice Blass card. I think I only have two Kellogg's from 1973 but I definitely want to complete that set.

  2. Unlike many collectors, I love the 1973s. I've got some extras to trade. I haven't picked up many lately, probably because these are commonly sold as a complete set.

  3. Very cool stuff. I consider box cutouts cards for sure.

  4. I think its a stretch to consider cuts from packaging a card, but then again, you've got Hostess cards and people collect box bottoms so why not?

  5. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

    I could definitely see them being treated like cards. Are the backs just blank?

    1. Yes, the backs are blank and the same cardboard that you normally see on the inside of a cereal box.

    2. Interesting. I wasn't sure if there was some special print on the back, but I guess I was thinking these were meant to be cut out and not just the advertisement on the front of the box.

      Still really cool.

  6. I wouldn't call them cards, but I think they are cool and would collect them anyway.

  7. Great comments. If you are a player collector there could be a lot of these cards of slightly different sizes based on the size of the cereal box.
